BASE = zpu-elf CC = $(BASE)-gcc LD = $(BASE)-gcc AS = $(BASE)-as CP = $(BASE)-objcopy DUMP = $(BASE)-objdump ROMGEN = ./zpuromgen # we use mincrt0.s from here STARTUP_DIR = . # we fetch ROM prologue / epilogue from here RTL_DIR = $(ZPUFLEXDIR)/RTL/ BUILD_DIR=zpu_obj #MINSTARTUP_SRC = mincrt0.s MINSTARTUP_SRC = mycrt0.s MINSTARTUP_OBJ = $(patsubst $(STARTUP_DIR)/%.s,$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o,$(MINSTARTUP_SRC)) MAIN_PRJ = HelloTinyROM MAIN_SRC = main.c pff.c mmc.c spi.c uart.c led.c regs.c debug.c #MAIN_SRC = stuff.c MAIN_OBJ = $(COMMON_OBJ) $(patsubst %.c,$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o,$(MAIN_SRC)) LINKMAP = ./standalone_simple.ld # Commandline options for each tool. #ZPUOPTS= -mno-poppcrel -mno-pushspadd -mno-callpcrel -mno-shortop -mno-neg # No-neg requires bugfixed toolchain #Include everything -> need to include emulation rom... ZPUOPTS = CFLAGS = -I. -c -g -O2 $(ZPUOPTS) -DDISABLE_UART_RX LFLAGS = -nostartfiles -Wl,--relax -g -Os #LFLAGS = -nostartfiles -Os # Our target. all: $(BUILD_DIR) $(MAIN_PRJ).bin $(MAIN_PRJ)_ROM.mif $(MAIN_PRJ).rpt clean: rm -f $(BUILD_DIR)/*.o *.hex *.elf *.map *.lst *.srec $(MAIN_PRJ).rom *~ */*.o *.bin # Convert ELF binary to bin file. %.bin: %.elf $(CP) -O binary $< $@ %.rpt: %.elf echo >$@ -n "End of code:\t" $(DUMP) -x $< | grep >>$@ _romend echo >>$@ -n "Start of BSS:\t" $(DUMP) -x $< | grep >>$@ __bss_start__ echo >>$@ -n "End of BSS:\t" $(DUMP) -x $< | grep >>$@ __bss_end__ cat $@ $(ROMGEN): ./zpuromgen.c gcc -o ./zpuromgen ./zpuromgen.c %_ROM.mif: %.bin $(ROMGEN) sed 's/dualportram/$*_ROM/' >$*_ROM.mif <./rom_prologue.vhd $(ROMGEN) $*.bin >>$*_ROM.mif cat >>$*_ROM.mif ./rom_epilogue.vhd # Link - this produces an ELF binary. $(MAIN_PRJ).elf: $(MINSTARTUP_OBJ) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(LD) $(LFLAGS) -T $(LINKMAP) -o $@ $+ $(LIBS) $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.c Makefile $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.s $(AS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: $(STARTUP_DIR)/%.s $(AS) -o $@ $< $(BUILD_DIR): mkdir $(BUILD_DIR)