A few comments on the files here:
changelog.txt: Tells you about the (reconfigurable) hardware changes/improvements/fixes with each version.
block_diagram.pdf: Overview of Pokeymax v3, missing a few new features.
pokeymax_user_guide_1_0.pdf: Installation guide for pokeymax v2. Not yet updated for complex version or v3.
pokeymaxv3_wiring.JPG: To help wire up pokeymax v3, shows the pinout.
pokeymax_dev_126.pdf: Register guide for developers. Also worth a read since it describes features.
Update tools:
pokeycfg_1_5.xex: Official configuration/update tool that I made for pokeymax. Overview video
pm_update_1.0.xex: Unofficial, but very nicely made, configuration/update tool made by MADRAFi. With real menus!
sidcfg_1_4.prg: Official configuration/update tool that I made for sidmax (modified version of pokeycfg for C64, reorganised to put SID first etc). Overview video
pokey_800_keyboard.html: The Atari 800 has glitches on the KR1/KR2 line which confuse pokeymax. This fix proposes adding a resistor to reduce the size of the glitches so they do not affect reading the keyboard.
- Removal of filter capacitors, should be done on all systems where you want reliable high speed SIO (even on original pokey)
- Proposes adding resistors for pokeymax to handle out of spec SIO devices
1.XX_YYYYMMDD: Core updates, you need to find your version then you can take core.bin and flash it using the update tools.
Software: Example code, software that plays covox and sid. Some demos of PSG, stereo covox, gtia tunes etc.
pokeymax_jtag_adaptor: Allows attaching an Altera/Intel usb blaster JTAG to the pokeymax v2/v3. It has a non-standard pinout due to space restrictions. This is needed if you have a failed core.bin upgrade for instance, you'll also need to contact me(foft on atariage) or Retronics to get the required .pof file.