Feature #81
closedBreakpoint support for turbo freezer
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Would it be possible for the core to automatically push the Freezer key F12 when the emulation's PC hits a certain address or it reads/writes from/to a certain emulated address?
Updated by foft over 5 years ago
Implemented first cut and released as v36 (eclaire only).
Debug sub-menu
address match
data match (optional)
read/write only (optional)
When these match then the freezer button is pressed and an nmi triggered. So end up in the freezer menu a couple of instructions later.
Updated by foft over 5 years ago
Potential improvements:
i) somehow stop cpu executing more instructions until nmi
ii) advanced multi-level debug triggers. e.g. addr/data 1 then addr/data2 or addr/data3 etc.
iii) trigger on other things, such as vcount