Reviving old prototypes and code
I spent a few years during Covid and the ensuing chip crisis building TF1260 boards and more recently a bunch of CTPCI boards. This helped improve my surface mount soldering skills quite a lot, though I have a lot more to learn still.
Anyway armed with this knowledge I decided to repair my old prototype boards. A few years ago I ripped up the pads and traces around the flash chip (which initializes the FPGA) on one of them when trying to change the chip to a more compatible flash chip. I was able now to use tiny thin copper wire and solder mask to repair the pads and traces. I was also able to fix the HDMI port on one of them which I never managed to solder at the time. Its nice to see the time invested in learning and practicing this has paid off.
I then found my latest code which was v37 + internal pokeymax + two different scalers does not fit into the small FPGA at all any more. The last I'd checked it fitted but would not work due to some Quartus bug. Anyway I decided for now to ditch these changes, go back to v37 and just put in fixes I've found in the meantime. Getting there with that.
One thing I found out that may interest you all is that I'd missed decoupling on the SD card slot. So this is why it sometimes crashes when hotplugging sd cards. I added a 220nF and then a 4.7uF over the 3.3v/GND at the connector and it seems much better. So an easy fix for anyone suffering from this.
Added by foft 11 months ago
Actually best make it higher still for that cap, it suggests 45uF here: