From 09/16/2017 to 10/15/2017
- 09:35 PM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- OK, fixed step(ii) and some bugs...
Now it starts to get more fun, onto step (iii)
- 09:55 PM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- Pinned some code from the or1k code base and openocd is running and communicating with the virtual tag I think.
- 09:46 PM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- Step(i) completed:
Select JTAG chain connected to USB-Blaster [1-1].
Select device: @1: 5CE(BA4|FA4) (0x02B050D...
- 03:45 AM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- Keep up the good work, foft. We do appreciate all the time and effort you put in!
Thank you.
- 04:10 PM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- foft wrote:
> Still on step(i) but progressing well!
Great to hear good news for this, regardless of the time of ... - 02:00 PM EclaireXL Feature #55: Replace main CPU
- Still on step(i) but progressing well!
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