



From 03/15/2018 to 04/13/2018


09:27 PM EclaireXL Developer: RE: SIO devices which use clockin/clock out?
Cool, thanks for testing Roy. Pleased to hear the SIO2USB works now. foft
09:26 PM EclaireXL Developer: RE: Speaker noise.
On the v1 I should note there is a lot of noise from the cartridge when using it on the SIO jumper. foft
09:26 PM EclaireXL Developer: RE: Speaker noise.
Some of the noise comes from the ADC. There is a jumper to set it to PBI, SIO or the mic header. If you disconnect th... foft


06:59 PM EclaireXL Developer: RE: SIO devices which use clockin/clock out?
sadosp wrote:
> foft wrote:
> > I added support here in the latest core and this works for Nir. Could you check too...
11:11 AM EclaireXL Developer: Speaker noise.
With the new update I started to notice a mild hum coming from the speaker while the system is idle. Not real bad ju... RoyE

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