foft's activity
From 02/01/2020 to 03/01/2020
- 10:32 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Checked on the ram block input/output when built with 32KB and 64KB.
Same input, same mif, different output...
- 11:10 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Tried to upgrade from Quartus 18.0 to 19.1. Same issue.
- 10:28 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Problem is with E8:
bit 20 == high = opcStackUp.
This isn't what is in the constant table, so not c...
- 10:57 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Its opcodeInfoTable that is getting put into altsyncram. Not sure why its invalid yet. I'm trying the ramstyle attrib...
- 10:28 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- with 32k, the block is not shared. I guess something is accessing memory where it shouldn't...
- 10:04 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- M10K is shared:
atari800core:atari800|cpu:cpu6502|cpu_65xx:cpu_6502_peter|altsyncram:Mux54_rtl_0|altsyncram_ag91:aut... - 10:03 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- with 64k
atari800core:atari800|cpu:cpu6502|cpu_65xx:cpu_6502_peter|altsyncram:Mux54_rtl_0|altsyncram_ag91:auto_gener... - 09:54 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- I guess related to the opcinfo storage somehow. with 32k get this:
atari800core:atari800|cpu:cpu6502|cpu_65xx:cpu_65... - 09:52 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- On v1 its all working, with 32K block ram as system ram. Once I put it to 64K block ram as system ram (which JUST fit...
- 10:23 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Got this merged down to svn and also v1 and v3 building.
Was hanging on purely internal i2c. Changed master and sl...
- 10:24 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- I have the crtc/scaler settings now in the flash chip (except scaler filter).
Upside: doesn't waste space in firmwa...
- 09:27 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Oh and the clkgen chip can drive the video too, for those who want to try custom modes. I've not tried it yet since i...
- 09:25 PM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- I have all these modes working properly from the firmware.
Al... - 10:01 AM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- The dev of another hdmi library posted it on hacker news. Worth a look.
- 10:38 AM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- It seems pretty clear that on the 2nd board can use the reconfigurable clock to provide 27MHz and 74.25MHz hdmi clock...
- 10:30 AM EclaireXL Feature #85: 720p support/1080i support
- Clock switching is proving fun, due to a bunch of constraints!
1st board: 50MHz on H16 (CLK11p) - which is connec...
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