Feature #11
openNon-uk keyboard support (custom keyboard mapping)
Only a uk keyboard with stickers is supported right now.
Make this remappable via a file.
Updated by admin over 7 years ago
The mapping from ps2 to atari key code is here:
(see http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/scancodes2.html)
I started with ps2 you see then added usb support on top. Since the usb layer is software anyway (on the zpu) I added a mapping from usb to ps2 here:
(See http://www.freebsddiary.org/APC/usb_hid_usages.php)
The atari keycodes are here:
I guess it would make sense to have a direct usb->atari one. If you can build that mapping in a simple machine readable format for several main regional keyboards then I make a utility to build a rom in a suitable format from it. Or if we have space in the firmware we can directly read it. Obviously run the format by me before making it all, so I can check its suitable.
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #36: Joystick is always emulated through the USB keyboard arrow keys added
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Non-uk keyboard support to Non-uk keyboard support (custom keyboard mapping)
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
Computer generated c code for TK2 is here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/263044-developerstesting-required-for-mini-itx-clone-system-eclairexl/page-6#entry3783384
Might be nice to integrate this, archive looks fairly large though in code size...
Updated by 917k over 7 years ago
foft wrote:
Computer generated c code for TK2 is here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/263044-developerstesting-required-for-mini-itx-clone-system-eclairexl/page-6#entry3783384
Might be nice to integrate this, archive looks fairly large though in code size...
Is it worth the time,effort, and fpga space? Could a keymap just be read from a text file on the SD card?
Updated by ndary over 7 years ago
i think reading a key-map file from the SD CART is a good idea, an a8k file? if the key-map file is corrupt or missing a default map will be loaded from the fpga
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
What is an a8k file? Is there already a keyboard mapping file format we can use?
Updated by ndary over 7 years ago
- File Keyboard.zip Keyboard.zip added
its keyboard mapping from ATARI800WIN Emulator, see attached file
Updated by 917k over 7 years ago
I would say just use a text file, it's easier to create/edit. Also, The EclaireXL could have keys that have no equivalent in an emulator such as a keyboard shortcuts to map each drive, a key to increase the acceleration on the fly, freezer, etc.
Updated by 917k over 7 years ago
Rethinking this, I'm not sure if we need to have a user-mappable keyboard at all as long as we have support for both ANSI and ISO keyboards. The only major change from the default ISO layout (besides moving a few keys to account for differences between the layouts) is that I moved the break key from way over in Siberia to the keyboard proper (which could also be done for the ISO layout). Here is my proposed mapping solution for ANSI..
and the modified code (with comments):
atari_keyboard(63)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1C#); -- A
atari_keyboard(21)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#32#); -- B
atari_keyboard(18)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#21#); -- C
atari_keyboard(58)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#23#); -- D
atari_keyboard(42)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#24#); -- E
atari_keyboard(56)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2B#); -- F
atari_keyboard(61)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#34#); -- G
atari_keyboard(57)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#33#); -- H
atari_keyboard(13)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#43#); --I
atari_keyboard(1)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3B#); -- J
atari_keyboard(5)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#42#); -- K
atari_keyboard(0)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4B#); -- L
atari_keyboard(37)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3A#); -- M
atari_keyboard(35)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#31#); -- N
atari_keyboard(8)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#44#); -- O
atari_keyboard(10)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4D#); -- P
atari_keyboard(47)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#15#); -- Q
atari_keyboard(40)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2D#); -- R
atari_keyboard(62)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1B#); -- S
atari_keyboard(45)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2C#); -- T
atari_keyboard(11)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3C#); -- U
atari_keyboard(16)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2A#); -- V
atari_keyboard(46)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1D#); -- W
atari_keyboard(22)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#22#); -- X
atari_keyboard(43)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#35#); -- Y
atari_keyboard(23)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1A#); -- Z
atari_keyboard(50)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#45#); -- 0
atari_keyboard(31)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#16#); -- 1
atari_keyboard(30)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1E#); -- 2
atari_keyboard(26)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#26#); -- 3
atari_keyboard(24)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#25#); -- 4
atari_keyboard(29)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2E#); -- 5
atari_keyboard(27)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#36#); -- 6
atari_keyboard(51)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3D#); -- 7
atari_keyboard(53)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3E#); -- 8
atari_keyboard(48)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#46#); -- 9
atari_keyboard(17)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#16c#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#03#); -- HELP
atari_keyboard(52)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#66#); -- BACKSPACE
atari_keyboard(28)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#76#); -- ESCAPE
atari_keyboard(39)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#111#); -- INVERSE (NO IDEA WHERE THIS CODE 111 COMES FROM)
atari_keyboard(60)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#58#); -- CAPS
atari_keyboard(44)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0D#); -- TAB
atari_keyboard(12)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5A#); -- RETURN
atari_keyboard(33)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#29#); -- SPACE
atari_keyboard(54)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4E#); -- LESS THAN
atari_keyboard(55)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#55#); -- GREATER THAN
atari_keyboard(15)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5B#); -- EQUAL
atari_keyboard(14)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#54#); -- MINUS
atari_keyboard(6)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4C#); -- PLUS (CHANGED TO 4C FROM 52 TO BTTER MATCH US KEYBOARD LAYOUT)
atari_keyboard(7)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#52#); -- ASTERIX (CHANGED TO 52 FROM 5D TO BETTER MATCH US KEYBOARD)
atari_keyboard(38)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4A#); -- FORWARD SLASH
atari_keyboard(2)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5D#); -- SEMI-COLON (CHANGED TO 5D FROM 4C TO BETTER MATCH US KEYBOARD)
atari_keyboard(32)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#41#); -- COMMA
atari_keyboard(34)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#49#); -- PERIOD
atari_keyboard(3)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#05#); -- 1200XL F1
atari_keyboard(4)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#06#); -- 1200XL F2
atari_keyboard(19)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#04#); -- 1200XL F3
atari_keyboard(20)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0c#); -- 1200XL F4
shift_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#12#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#59#);
control_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#14#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#114#);
break_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0E#); -- BREAK (CHANGED FROM 77 TO 0E)
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
11 is left alt
extended 11 is right alt - I use 1xx for extended xx.
I'll build a test core with your changes, then we can add a switch later. I wonder if I can identify ansi/iso automatically.
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
I put up a build with your mapping as ansikbd.sof in the usual place. Let me know if it works as expected please.
Updated by 917k over 7 years ago
It works great! Very Cool! Thank you for the test build. If we can add a toggle to the system menu and assign a variable such as kb_type to store the keyboard type, the code change would be pretty simple. I am not versed in VHDL at all but I think about all that would need to be done is something like:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) 2013 mark watson -- I am happy for anyone to use this for non-commercial use. -- If my vhdl files are used commercially or otherwise sold, -- please contact me for explicit permission at scrameta (gmail). -- This applies for source and binary form and derived works. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (ILoveSpeccy) Added PS2_KEYS Output --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; ENTITY ps2_to_atari800 IS GENERIC ( ps2_enable : integer := 1; direct_enable : integer := 0 ); PORT ( CLK : IN STD_LOGIC; RESET_N : IN STD_LOGIC; PS2_CLK : IN STD_LOGIC := '1'; PS2_DAT : IN STD_LOGIC := '1'; INPUT : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); KEYBOARD_SCAN : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0); KEYBOARD_RESPONSE : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0); CONSOL_START : OUT STD_LOGIC; CONSOL_SELECT : OUT STD_LOGIC; CONSOL_OPTION : OUT STD_LOGIC; FKEYS : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(11 downto 0); FREEZER_ACTIVATE : OUT STD_LOGIC; PS2_KEYS : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0); PS2_KEYS_NEXT_OUT : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(511 downto 0) ); END ps2_to_atari800; ARCHITECTURE vhdl OF ps2_to_atari800 IS signal ps2_keys_next : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0); signal ps2_keys_reg : std_logic_vector(511 downto 0); signal ps2_key_event : std_logic; signal ps2_key_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal ps2_key_extended : std_logic; signal ps2_key_up : std_logic; signal direct_key_event : std_logic; signal direct_key_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal direct_key_extended : std_logic; signal direct_key_up : std_logic; signal key_event : std_logic; signal key_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal key_extended : std_logic; signal key_up : std_logic; signal CONSOL_START_INT : std_logic; signal CONSOL_SELECT_INT : std_logic; signal CONSOL_OPTION_INT : std_logic; signal FKEYS_INT : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); signal FREEZER_ACTIVATE_INT : std_logic; signal atari_keyboard : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); SIGNAL SHIFT_PRESSED : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL BREAK_PRESSED : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL CONTROL_PRESSED : STD_LOGIC; BEGIN process(clk,reset_n) begin if (reset_n='0') then ps2_keys_reg <= (others=>'0'); elsif (clk'event and clk='1') then ps2_keys_reg <= ps2_keys_next; end if; end process; gen_ps2_on : if ps2_enable=1 generate keyboard1: entity work.ps2_keyboard PORT MAP ( CLK => CLK, RESET_N => RESET_N, PS2_CLK => PS2_CLK, PS2_DAT => PS2_DAT, KEY_EVENT => PS2_KEY_EVENT, KEY_VALUE => PS2_KEY_VALUE, KEY_EXTENDED => PS2_KEY_EXTENDED, KEY_UP => PS2_KEY_UP -- KEY_EVENT : OUT STD_LOGIC; -- high for 1 cycle on new key pressed(or repeated)/released -- KEY_VALUE : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); -- valid on event, raw scan code -- KEY_EXTENDED : OUT STD_LOGIC; -- valid on event, if scan code extended -- KEY_UP : OUT STD_LOGIC -- value on event, if key released ); end generate; gen_ps2_off : if ps2_enable=0 generate PS2_KEY_EVENT <= '0'; PS2_KEY_VALUE <= (others=>'0'); PS2_KEY_EXTENDED <= '0'; PS2_KEY_UP <= '0'; end generate; gen_direct_on : if direct_enable=1 generate direct_key_value <= input(7 downto 0); direct_key_extended <= input(12); direct_key_up <= not(input(16)); direct_key_event <= '1'; end generate; gen_direct_off : if direct_enable=0 generate DIRECT_KEY_EVENT <= '0'; DIRECT_KEY_VALUE <= (others=>'0'); DIRECT_KEY_EXTENDED <= '0'; DIRECT_KEY_UP <= '0'; end generate; KEY_EVENT <= DIRECT_KEY_EVENT or PS2_KEY_EVENT; KEY_VALUE <= PS2_KEY_VALUE when PS2_KEY_EVENT='1' else DIRECT_KEY_VALUE; KEY_EXTENDED <= PS2_KEY_EXTENDED when PS2_KEY_EVENT='1' else DIRECT_KEY_EXTENDED; KEY_UP <= PS2_KEY_UP when PS2_KEY_EVENT='1' else DIRECT_KEY_UP; process(KEY_EVENT, KEY_VALUE, KEY_EXTENDED, KEY_UP, ps2_keys_reg) begin ps2_keys_next <= ps2_keys_reg; if (key_event = '1') then ps2_keys_next(to_integer(unsigned(KEY_EXTENDED&KEY_VALUE))) <= NOT(KEY_UP); end if; end process; -- map to atari key code process(ps2_keys_reg) begin atari_keyboard <= (others=>'0'); shift_pressed <= '0'; control_pressed <= '0'; break_pressed <= '0'; consol_start_int <= '0'; consol_select_int <= '0'; consol_option_int <= '0'; atari_keyboard(63)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1C#); -- A atari_keyboard(21)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#32#); -- B atari_keyboard(18)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#21#); -- C atari_keyboard(58)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#23#); -- D atari_keyboard(42)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#24#); -- E atari_keyboard(56)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2B#); -- F atari_keyboard(61)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#34#); -- G atari_keyboard(57)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#33#); -- H atari_keyboard(13)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#43#); --I atari_keyboard(1)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3B#); -- J atari_keyboard(5)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#42#); -- K atari_keyboard(0)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4B#); -- L atari_keyboard(37)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3A#); -- M atari_keyboard(35)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#31#); -- N atari_keyboard(8)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#44#); -- O atari_keyboard(10)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4D#); -- P atari_keyboard(47)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#15#); -- Q atari_keyboard(40)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2D#); -- R atari_keyboard(62)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1B#); -- S atari_keyboard(45)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2C#); -- T atari_keyboard(11)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3C#); -- U atari_keyboard(16)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2A#); -- V atari_keyboard(46)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1D#); -- W atari_keyboard(22)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#22#); -- X atari_keyboard(43)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#35#); -- Y atari_keyboard(23)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1A#); -- Z atari_keyboard(50)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#45#); -- 0 atari_keyboard(31)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#16#); -- 1 atari_keyboard(30)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#1E#); -- 2 atari_keyboard(26)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#26#); -- 3 atari_keyboard(24)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#25#); -- 4 atari_keyboard(29)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#2E#); -- 5 atari_keyboard(27)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#36#); -- 6 atari_keyboard(51)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3D#); -- 7 atari_keyboard(53)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#3E#); -- 8 atari_keyboard(48)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#46#); -- 9 atari_keyboard(17)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#16c#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#03#); -- HELP atari_keyboard(52)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#66#); -- BACKSPACE atari_keyboard(28)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#76#); -- ESCAPE atari_keyboard(39)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#111#); -- INVERSE (NO IDEA WHERE THIS CODE 111 COMES FROM) atari_keyboard(60)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#58#); -- CAPS atari_keyboard(44)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0D#); -- TAB atari_keyboard(12)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5A#); -- RETURN atari_keyboard(33)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#29#); -- SPACE atari_keyboard(54)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4E#); -- LESS THAN atari_keyboard(55)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#55#); -- GREATER THAN atari_keyboard(15)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5B#); -- EQUAL atari_keyboard(14)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#54#); -- MINUS atari_keyboard(38)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4A#); -- FORWARD SLASH atari_keyboard(32)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#41#); -- COMMA atari_keyboard(34)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#49#); -- PERIOD -- ADD VARIABLE key_type AND SET STATE THROUGH OSD: -- -- 0 = ISO (EUROPEAN STYLE KEYBOARD) -- 1 = ANSI (AMERICAN STYLE KEYBOARD) if (key_type = '0') then -- ISO KEYBOARD TYPE atari_keyboard(6)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#52#); -- PLUS atari_keyboard(7)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5D#); -- ASTERIX atari_keyboard(2)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4C#); -- SEMI-COLON else -- ANSI KEYBOARD TYPE atari_keyboard(6)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#4C#); -- PLUS (CHANGED TO 4C FROM 52 TO BTTER MATCH US KEYBOARD LAYOUT) atari_keyboard(7)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#52#); -- ASTERIX (CHANGED TO 52 FROM 5D TO BETTER MATCH US KEYBOARD) atari_keyboard(2)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#5D#); -- SEMI-COLON (CHANGED TO 5D FROM 4C TO BETTER MATCH US KEYBOARD) endif; atari_keyboard(3)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#05#); -- 1200XL F1 atari_keyboard(4)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#06#); -- 1200XL F2 atari_keyboard(19)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#04#); -- 1200XL F3 atari_keyboard(20)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0c#); -- 1200XL F4 consol_start_int<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0B#); consol_select_int<=ps2_keys_reg(16#83#); consol_option_int<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0a#); shift_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#12#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#59#); control_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#14#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#114#); break_pressed<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0E#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#77#); -- BREAK (ADDED 0E IN ADDITION TO 77) fkeys_int(0)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#05#); fkeys_int(1)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#06#); fkeys_int(2)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#04#); fkeys_int(3)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0C#); fkeys_int(4)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#03#); fkeys_int(5)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0B#); fkeys_int(6)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#83#); fkeys_int(7)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#0a#); fkeys_int(8)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#01#); fkeys_int(9)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#09#); fkeys_int(10)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#78#); fkeys_int(11)<=ps2_keys_reg(16#07#); -- use scroll lock or delete to activate freezer (same key on my keyboard + scroll lock does not seem to work on mist!) freezer_activate_int <= ps2_keys_reg(16#7e#) or ps2_keys_reg(16#171#); end process; -- provide results as if we were a grid to pokey... process(keyboard_scan, atari_keyboard, control_pressed, shift_pressed, break_pressed) begin keyboard_response <= (others=>'1'); if (atari_keyboard(to_integer(unsigned(not(keyboard_scan)))) = '1') then keyboard_response(0) <= '0'; end if; if (keyboard_scan(5 downto 4)="00" and break_pressed = '1') then keyboard_response(1) <= '0'; end if; if (keyboard_scan(5 downto 4)="10" and shift_pressed = '1') then keyboard_response(1) <= '0'; end if; if (keyboard_scan(5 downto 4)="11" and control_pressed = '1') then keyboard_response(1) <= '0'; end if; end process; -- outputs CONSOL_START <= CONSOL_START_INT; CONSOL_SELECT <= CONSOL_SELECT_INT; CONSOL_OPTION <= CONSOL_OPTION_INT; FKEYS <= FKEYS_INT; FREEZER_ACTIVATE <= FREEZER_ACTIVATE_INT; PS2_KEYS <= ps2_keys_reg; PS2_KEYS_NEXT_OUT <= ps2_keys_next; END vhdl;
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
Yeah, that should work. You just described a multiplexor btw.
Got guests this weekend, so will do the plumbing next week.
Updated by 917k over 7 years ago
Okay, sounds great. So, is the system menu actually an Atari program or is it VHDL code?
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
It's written in c. The Atari core is built with a DMA port and the ability to freeze the 6502. Outside that there is another CPU (the zpu) that draws the menu, handles USB, se card, drive emulation etc. It has quite a lot of custom hardware support too.
I should draw an overview picture...