Bug #45
closedCORE10 - IDE2+ SDX not working
In CORE10, when I boot with the IDE2+ installed, the machine initially goes right into self test mode. Pressing reset will take me to a BASIC prompt with "ERROR 12 at Line 0" and typing LIST gives me the repeating 0s forever.
I can press Start+Reset to get to the config screen, and the clock and date read correctly. If I turn off SDX, the machine will boot properly.
Apologies in advance if I should have posted in the other issue about IDE2+ with CORE10.
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #43: Core 10 - IDE2+ Menu does not show when powering the computer with START key pressed added
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
- Related to Bug #44: CORE 11 - Bug in PBI - EclaireXL will not boot with IDE2+ Is connected and when Turbo Freezer connected goes directly to Cart EMU not main screen added
Updated by Stephen over 7 years ago
Stephen wrote:
In CORE10, when I boot with the IDE2+ installed, the machine initially goes right into self test mode. Pressing reset will take me to a BASIC prompt with "ERROR 12 at Line 0" and typing LIST gives me the repeating 0s forever.
OK - I have some more information on this issue. I have updated to CORE13 (I created a jic file, so I am on the latest core even after a power cycle). Holding Start upon powerup, I get to the config screen. However, the following memory modes still give me the same behaviour: 576kB(Compy), 576kB(Rambo), 1MB. Also, when in those RAM configurations, holding down option on startup does not disable BASIC when the IDE2+ is plugged in. This is leading me to believe there is something wrong with PORTB. I tested in NTSC and PAL, and the behaviour is the same.
Updated by foft over 7 years ago
Does the IDE2+ work in those modes on a real system? I mean on a standard version of those upgrades, not one of these new ones that latches portb bits..
Updated by ndary over 7 years ago
testing IDE2+ on an ULTIMATE 1MB does not behave correctly as well
Updated by foft about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Closed since Nir confirmed this behavior on original hardware