



Feature #15


Implement programmable PLL

Added by foft almost 8 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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See if the programmable PLL works. This will allow us to support different/custom VGA modes, once we have EDID/DDC working. For now I just want to find out if its alive.


Si5351-B.pdf (1.74 MB) Si5351-B.pdf foft, 05/11/2017 09:42 PM
Si5351A-RevB-Registers.h (9.33 KB) Si5351A-RevB-Registers.h foft, 02/04/2018 09:21 PM
AN619.pdf (1.83 MB) AN619.pdf foft, 02/04/2018 09:22 PM
Actions #1

Updated by foft almost 8 years ago

Attaching PLL chip datasheet

Actions #2

Updated by foft about 7 years ago

Attached header file for programming clk0->10MHz and clk1->30MHz.

These are generated with clock builder pro, downloaded from ic vendor web site.

Actions #3

Updated by foft about 7 years ago

Attached the note on how to program manually (without clock builder help)

Actions #4

Updated by admin about 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Urgent

Going to power this up urgently before new boards made, to check hardware side is fine.

Actions #5

Updated by foft about 7 years ago

To do this I need to add i2c support to the ZPU. I'm out of ROM space without easy fixes. There is actually quite a lot space even on the EBA2, so adding 8K extra for now. Currently it was using bit 15 to decide rom/ram. I made it use 14 and 15 to choose ram. There is some hack I put in for the mist external sector buffer (it writes to ROM area!!) which might be broken by this.

Actions #6

Updated by foft about 7 years ago

Been adding i2c to the zpu. Mostly working I think, a few timing issues to solve.

Actions #7

Updated by foft about 7 years ago

  • Priority changed from Urgent to Normal

OK, confirmed this chip is working. I programmed it over i2c and am now getting two different clocks output on CLK0 and CLK2 - 10MHz and 30MHz as I set up in the clk generator software.
Going to mark this back as normal priority since I now know the chip is connected ok and working.

Actions #8

Updated by sadosp about 7 years ago

foft wrote:

OK, confirmed this chip is working. I programmed it over i2c and am now getting two different clocks output on CLK0 and CLK2 - 10MHz and 30MHz as I set up in the clk generator software.
Going to mark this back as normal priority since I now know the chip is connected ok and working.

Congrats! ;-)


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